esmaspäev, 19. oktoober 2009

Other film and media material on Estonia

As it happened again, I wanted a more permanent fixture off a forum post on IMDb.

A list is available titles with the search string Estonian film.

From Amazon's two-page list, I can also recommend the following:

  • "Broidit" (2003, IMDb score 3.8/10 (I don't know why such a low rating while the film picked up a few accolades), roughly titled "Brothers" and is an Estonian/Finnish co-production), which I haven't seen, but the synopsis of which I am familiar with and which I know was featured in the 2003 Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival (Pimedate Ööde Filmifestival/PÖFF). The plot itself revolves around the title subject, love and loss.
  • "Sigade revolutsioon" (2004, IMDb score 6.3/10, "Revolution of Pigs"), which is is a comedy/coming of age movie set in a Soviet pioneer camp during the perestroika era. It has quite a historical/nostalgic flare to it and it picked up the Special Jury Prize at the Moscow International Film Festival.
  • "Klass" (2007, IMDb score 8.2/10, "The Class", Wikipedia article) is about what a bad school environment may lead to. This is typically a staple for students in Estonia and the film has won four awards, two each from Karlovy Vary and Warsaw international film festivals. The plot slightly resembles that of "Heart of America".
  • "Sügisball" (2007, IMDb score 7.6/10, "Autumn Ball"). I haven't seen this film, but it's contemplative and is about life and love in tower blocks that were built during the Soviet era. "Sügisball" has won numerous awards from around Europe.

Eesti Rahvusringhääling (ERR), the national TV and radio broadcaster in Estonia, has its own e-shop (in Estonian, though):

  • Main page
  • Film and documentary features:

    • "Mehed unustatud armeest" ("Men from a forgotten army") is about Estonian soldiers in the Estonian Guard Company (Eesti Vahikompanii) 4221, who fought on the German side during WWII and then guarded German prisoners during the Nuremburg trials (not always at the trials but near the court house) after the war as part of occupying forces of the U.S.
    • "August 1991" is also available.
  • History series and music suggestions from the catalogue:

    • "Eesti aja lood" (Vol. I) is a history series that concentrates on life during the First Republic. Has English-language subtitles and is currently the best multimedia resource about what life during the Old Estonian Republic was like (includes both politics, economy, and ordinary life and how people lived).
    • Estonian song and dance festivals — These are recordings of national song and dance festivals, which take place every 4–5 years. This is if you are interested in classical and choir music.
    • "Öölaulupidu Märkamisaeg" is the 2008 song festival "Märkamisaeg" ([i]märkama[/i] is to notice, so "A Time To Notice"), which is a very large nighttime festival that lasted for like six hours and features all kinds of music throughout the history of Estonia (not just choir music).
    • "Laulupidu 2009" is about this year's song and dance festival
  • Order information:
    You can order by e-mail and there's a mail-in charge: 1 item is 40 EEK and then it's progressively less the more you order.

Truth be told, I am not much into Estonian film, despite some interesting material available. What I really like are Estonian documentaries about history and nature.

pühapäev, 18. oktoober 2009

Estonian films on the history of Estonia

I just saw the "Names in Marble" movie on DVD, so when looking on IMDb for Estonian films about Estonia's and Estonians' history, I felt compelled to write a primer, a list of Estonian movies to those interested in Estonian history. The list is by no means complete.

  • "Noored kotkad" (1927, IMDb score 8.2/10, roughly titled "Young Eagles", Wikipedia article) is one of only very few Estonian films made before 1940 that wholly remained intact. It depicts the War of Independence.
  • "Inimesed sõdurisinelis" (1968, IMDb score 7.1/10, roughly "Humans in Soldier's Uniform" — inimesed means both 'people' and 'humans' in plural form) is a film made during Soviet times about Estonian Shooting Corps, formed by the Red Army and so these men fought for that side during WWII.
  • "Tants aurukatla ümber" (1987, IMDb score 8.6/10, roughly "The Dance Around a Steam Boiler"). This one chronicles peasant life throughout much of the century until about 1986/1987.
  • "Äratus" (1989, IMDb score 6.8/10, roughly "Wakeup"). This one is about the March-deportations of Estonians to Siberia. That one was made under the Soviet reign, but at the time of glasnost. I recently saw that on TV.
  • Then there is "Need vanad armastuskirjad" (1992, IMDb score 6.8/10, "Those Old Love Letters"), about the adult life of Raimond Valgre, an Estonian composer. Throughout the film one will also see some of the history of Estonia throughout approximately 1930–1949.
  • "August 1991" (2005, IMDb score 6.9/10), a TV drama production on video made by Ilmar Raag chronicles the events of the month in 1991 when Estonia regained independence.
  • "Georg" (2007, IMDb score 7.2/10) is about the life and times of Georg Ots, an all famous (both in Estonia and all of the Soviet bloc) opera singer and baritone. The film also dwells around war-time, WWII, more specifically.
I don't know if "Tants aurukatla ümber" is a staple on local TV, but it's the one movie that I liked the most and it's also one of those in this list that has the highest overall rating.

Skulskaja valimiseelne kommentaar

Jelena Skulskaja on, nagu alati, tasemel ning kirjutas "Postimehes" väga hea jutu kohalike inimeste meelsusest üksteise suhtes.

Seega teatud reaktsioon juba kirjutatud viiele kommentaarile:

Võib-olla püüab Skulskaja lihtsalt meelde tuletada, et kõiki ja kõike, mis ei paista "oma", ei saa alati ühe puuga võtta.

Arvan, et kohalikel (väga vokaalsetel?) eestlastel ja venelastel ei ole endi seas veel täielikult välja kujunenud taju sellest, et mõlemad pooled on üksteise suhtes teatud transformatsiooni-faasis. Selle taju puudumist võivad eri pooltelt läbi erisuguste väljaannete toita äärmuslikult meelestatud instantsid ja üksikisikud, olles siis oma eesmärkides enam varjatud või vähem varjatud.

Kas poolte teisenemine liigub siis üksteisele lähemale, ei tea, kuid et transformatsioon kätkeb endas seda, mida Skulskaja kirjeldas ettekujutusena riigist -- rahvakeskne vs. üksikisiku-keskne. Loodetavasti liigub see üksikisiku-kesksuse suunas, aga kuhu see teisenemine tegelikult liigub kohalike venelaste eri kihtide seas, ei ole selge.

Võimalik, et mõnel noorel sotsioloogil oleks hea teha yks huvitav uurimustöö (või rohkem?) selle kohta, kuidas ja millisena vastavalt Skulskaja ülaltood kriteeriumitele peamised rahvusgrupid Eestis tajuvad Eesti riiki, kuidas ja millisena Vene riiki ning millised on näiteks nende kahe riigi vahelised võrdlusmomendid. — Nii igapäevaelus ja asjaajamises kui ka ametliku suhtlemise tasandil.

Võib-olla oleks see teatud meelsusmonitooring, mida paljudki küsitlusfirmad teevad, kuid nende kriteeriumid on tihti suhteliselt kuivad, et ehk siis midagi jääb ikkagi puudu. Kas on siis võrdlusmomente vähe või kui võtta kohalikke venelasi, et kas on siis nende identiteedis kahestumine, jäigastumine, kriis või hoopiski ühestumine/samastumine asukohaga, kus nad praegu on, jäädes samal ajal iseendaks.

Tugeva eesti identiteediga poolvenelasena on niisuguseid küsimusi väga huvitav vaagida. Et kas siis minu identiteet võimaldab või pärsib arusaamist kahe kogukonna vahelistest suhetest — kas olen ma kummalegi poolele venelane/eestlane või ei olegi ma eestlane eestlastele ja venelane venelastele? Jahnoh, ma tunnen ennast rohkem eestlasena ning Vene klassikute kultuuri tunnetus on nõrgavõitu.

Näiteks Vene kultuuri tunnetuses kätkevad minu jaoks olulist rolli näiteks klassikaline muusika, mõned filmid ("Kured lendavad", "Intertüdruk", Šuriku seiklused) või umbes käputäis väga häid koomikuid (osad neist on ukrainlased: Jevgeni Petrosjan, Jelena Stepanenko, Jelena Vorobei, Ponomarenko-vennad, Vladimir Vinokur, Svjatoslav Ješenko, Uued Vene Vanamemmed, Igor Hristenko jpt). Nii palju siis praegu.